Mexico Office Employee Daily Activities

  Noon, August, 2017. Telcel Tower, Mexico City.  After refreshed up with some Corona and Perrier, team’s ready for a market-conquering battle throughout America continent Evening, August, 2017. Hyatt Regency, Mexico City. Hisense HVAC premiere in downtown, Mexico City: Flagship product Hi-FLEXi G+ series launching event, ready for a new era

Hisense HVAC factory training center, Qingdao, China. Annual global customers training on-going, the whole team is exhausted yet fully motivated

Morning, November, 2017. Xi’an, China. Terra-Cotta Warriors tour with customers from all across America. Happens to be 15th anniversary of the company's foundation. What a surprise

Afternoon, November, 2017. Xi’an, China. Tang Paradise tour to explore the most prosperous dynasty: Tang Dynasty in Chinese history. Ladies in the front are really enjoying the moment!

Finally, it’s our hard-working service engineer who’s always been so supportive during every supervision and commission, as responsibility and gratitude are always the core values of our team.