Asia-Pacific customer training in Thailand

10 09 2018

Asia Pacific Customers Training is successfully held from September 3rd to 8th. Hisense VRF have spent the last several days on 3 sections of this training.

In the first section, consultants and designers from the Asia-Pacific was invited and shared their brilliant ideas about product design. Besides, a presentation which considering product installation and services was delivered to our contractors in the second section. Last weekend the final section was just finished which is focus on Hisense employees including technicians and service staffs in Asia Pacific.

Hisense believe that communicating with these awesome partners and share our expertise to more people is always beneficial. Therefore, we insist that customers training is a very important part in our after sales service. It shows Hisense business principle that we keep “quality first,reputation first”. From these activities, our company image is enhanced and our brand awareness is raised as well.